Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Achieving something great...

To achieve something, you must have a goal. To achieve something GREAT, you must have a dream!

But how do you achieve your grand vision, your ultimate dream? By setting smaller goals and identifying the little baby steps along the way!

And a perfectly valid question...If you know what you want you want, but it's something you've never actually accomplished, how do you find your way? How do you know the steps to get there?

The best way to find out is to find a mentor. Find someone else who has accomplished the goal you want to accomplish. You may know them personally, or you may research and discover a person, or you may know of someone famous that you can study. Learn how they accomplished the goal. Find out what works, and what didn't work. Avoid the pitfalls they already discovered! You can stand on the shoulders of giants! You can step in the footprints of the great! Follow the path to success set before you by others who have also been successful.

Learn not only the steps to success, but learn the habits of the successful. Learn how they think. Most successful people have a positive mentality that takes each mistake and turns it into a lesson. They know to look above and beyond small failures and to keep their eyes on the prize..on that ultimate goal, that clear vision.

Life is a journey. Remember that with every step you take, you are moving towards something!! Is it towards your goal? Is it towards sabotage? Keep that dream, that vision, that goal in your mind as you take each step. And when you get there?? Make another goal!

What are YOU searching for? What are you moving towards? Enjoy your journey!