Monday, May 21, 2012

Paleo...I'm going all Cavewoman on y'all!

New adventures in the world of diet and lifestyle! Yesterday, S and I began the Paleo Diet. We've both read the book by Dr. Loren Cordain, and we went ahead and got the cookbook that goes along with the book. There are several websites out there dedicated to the topic of the caveman, hunter-gatherer, paleolithic diet (some of the different names of this particular style of eating). I'm using everyone's best friend Google to find recipes, suggestions, and support as I eliminate (most) grain, dairy, and legumes from my diet. I told S that I'm willing to commit for a month, and I'll see how I feel after that. It's *such* a drastic change, I don't feel like I can honestly commit to more than that. Already today I'm craving pasta. I'm really good at craving exactly what I'm trying to not eat...but I was easily able to turn down (a delicious looking) cupcake!! By eliminating ALL grains (rice, corn, wheat, etc) I'm hoping to see if/what I'm sensitive to, as well as restoring my insulin sensitivity. It's also easier to decide what to eat by eliminating ALL those substances...rather than determine what's good or bad.

So my coffee is still ok, and I'm still planning on using half and half and sugar/truvia every morning. It's awesome that this diet also allows 3 open meals each week on the first level of the diet (I totally just did a Freudian slip...I typed "weak" meals for the weak!) so if I *need* something grain/flour based, or I go somewhere that those are the only options, I'm ok. It's a very forgiving mindset! That means I'm much more set up for success than with diets that are very strict and make me feel guilty if I slip just once! Plus, I can spread those meals out instead of having just one "cheat" day a week.

I also did my first TurboJam workout today, which I think will be a great cardio addition to my routine! It seems like a good cardio alternative to the elliptical that doesn't wear me out (or take as long) like Insanity did.

I fit perfectly into my wedding dress, but I look forward to losing some inches and feeling more comfortable in it. I can't lose too much though! So weights to keep the arms toned up and cardio to lose a few inches from the belly...that's the summer plan!

Any new adventures going on out there in your world?!

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